Wednesday, November 19, 2008
How Obama God Elected
This is a very interesting documentary. It really shows how important it is to be informed and to not just get your news or information from only a few sources.
I hope that you all are settling down from the election :) I hope that we use this time to shake up our leadership and rethink how we are getting our message out. We have to be about more than just being against liberals. Our ideas are good and would benifit our society so lets be a party about ideas and lets be for something, not just against something.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Venerans Day and What it Means to Be an American
Veterans Day and What it Means to Be an American by Newt Gingrich This may be the perfect week to reflect on a Presidential election and the nature of America.Veterans Day is a somber reminder of the millions of Americans who have fought for freedom and the more than one million who have died for that cause. It is also a good time to remind ourselves that we are Americans first before we are Republicans or Democrats, conservatives or liberals. One of the reasons I feel this sense of being an American first is because of the example set by my father. Robert Gingrich spent 27 years in the United States Army, serving as an infantryman in three wars to defend and protect his country. His life was an example of putting America first, and it made a deep impression on me. That spirit of being an American first hit me last Tuesday night, watching President-elect Obama address over 250,000 people in Grant Park in Chicago.President elect Obama’s speech was gracious and conciliatory. There was very little to object to. Like most Americans, I was proud that this is a country where the first generation descendent of an immigrant could become President. America is a country where you can be born into any ethnic group and come from any background and have a chance to work your way to the top.This has been a good year for opening up the American dream. Senator Hillary Clinton and Governor Sarah Palin proved that young women can dream big and have an exciting future.President-elect Obama proved that every African-American has a chance to rise.Senator John McCain reminded all of us that America is built on the courage of heroes and the examples of selfless men and women who endure the unendurable and suffer the unimaginable for love of freedom and love of America. There was much to learn this year if you were willing to open your eyes, ears and mind to the possibilities.My Job as an AmericanA number of people have asked me to consider running for Republican National Committee Chair. They have been very flattering, and I am very honored by their support.However my job as an American first is to develop a “tri-partisan” approach to developing solutions for the challenges we face.I use the word “tri-partisan” to designate the concept of attracting Democrats, Republicans, and Independents to solutions that unify most Americans.Center for Health TransformationAt the Center for Health Transformation, we are developing bold new approaches to Alzheimer’s, Diabetes and Obesity, and Cancer. We are also developing three bold new policy proposals:1. Health-Based Health Reform emphasizes the most successful approaches to health, which lead to better outcomes at lower cost;2. Electronic health records for every American, paid for by the billions such a system will save in fraud avoidance and detection;3. A Science-and-Technology-Based Capital Investment Budget, which will revolutionize how we think about and pay for scientific research and development and will lead to a new generation of exciting solutions.American SolutionsIn 2008, American Solutions helped set the national energy agenda with its Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less petition drive. This led to a book of the same name and a movie, hosted by my wife Callista and me, called We Have the Power . Furthermore, American Solutions developed the Platform of the American People, which includes more than 100 planks supported by a majority of Democrats, Republicans and independents (a tri-partisan majority). Now, American Solutions is poised to develop a new generation of solutions and to bring Americans together for very popular new opportunities:1. Create American jobs by repealing Sarbanes-Oxley (read my op-ed at and learn more at here);2. Create a 21st Century, space-based air traffic control system which would drastically reduce non-weather delays in the Northeast, expand the number of flights, and reduce the amount of jet fuel used by 10% or more (thus saving money and improving the environment); 3. Repeal the capital gains tax to rebuild the value of 401(k) plans and attract massive private investment into the American market; 4. Create a clean coal and enhanced oil recovery program that will improve the environment, create American jobs, make accessible over 100 billion barrels of oil in the United States, and ensure the next building boom is in America instead of foreign countries; 5. Develop expanded use of ethanol and other biofuels to keep the money in the United States instead of sending it to overseas dictators; 6. Work to protect the right to drill for oil and gas offshore (legal in October for the first time in 27 years); 7. Modernize state and local government to save billions while improving services; 8. Protect the right of free speech on talk radio against the effort to impose government censorship; 9. Profoundly rethink our schools so we can reform learning in America to compete with China and India and so every person has a chance to learn as much as possible. These are the kind of positive tri-partisan solutions I believe America needs, and I promise to work with you to develop them and many more over the next few years. Click here to join American Solutions and get more involved in developing these ideas.A Capitol OffenseWhen the new visitor’s center at the United States Capitol opens next month, will it accurately reflect the role of our Creator in America’s public life? For years, “In God We Trust” has been clearly displayed from the Speaker’s chair in the House chamber. The current plan for the model of the Capitol in the Center strips “In God We Trust” from the model of the Speaker’s rostrum. The current plan also refuses to place a Bible on the table President Lincoln used during the Second Inaugural, even though the historical purpose of the table was used to hold the Bible on which he swore the oath of allegiance. Last week, Callista and I recorded a video asking those who care about preserving our Creator’s role in American history to spread the word about a new petition at, requesting that Congress make sure the Capitol Visitor’s Center is historically accurate. It reads: “We the undersigned petition Congress to ensure that the new Capitol Visitor’s Center is historically correct and accurately reflects the centrality of “our Creator” in the founding of America and in its historical development.” You can watch the video and sign the petition by clicking here. And of course, our movie, Rediscovering God in America is available at .Will the Democratic Leadership Make the Healthy Choice? Yesterday, I participated in the National Journal Healthcare Experts Blog, which focused how the election changes the dynamics of healthcare policy in 2009. Barack Obama will be working alongside a historically larger Democratic majority in the House and Senate. Thus, the success of bringing solutions to healthcare fully sits on the shoulders of how the Democratic leadership chooses to govern.If Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid believe that the country has now embraced the ideas of the hard left, then we can expect more confrontation and gridlock. However, if they realize that the country wants positive progress then there will be ample opportunity to actually solve the problems we face in reforming health care.At the Center for Health Transformation, we lead by example, providing solutions and asking others to share their proven successes. There is broad, tri-partisan (a red-white-and-blue) approach, and we must work together to implement real change. The Democratic leadership will find good partners if they are willing to look for them, and I urge the new president to do the same or suffer the consequences in 2012.Your friend,
American Solutions UpdateThe American Solutions team is very busy in the post-election season and working to enact real change for effective results. If you want to help, contact Michael Krull and Christine Hall, leaders of the Real Change Chapters and Solutions Academy. Download the ACTION PACK and get involved with American Solutions workshops! Also, American Solutions Chief Advocate, Princella Smith is back on the road this week as she delivers post-election analysis and offers The Platform of the American People and the principles of the center-right majority as solutions to America’s toughest problems going forward. Get involved with the entire movement for the Platform of the American People! Contact: Princella Smith at Stay tuned to the American Solutions blog for updates!-----------Read more articles like this at HUMAN EVENTS ONLINE!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Liberal Hypocrites
What you’re seeing at these McCain rallies are law abiding citizens who are tried of their voices being silenced by the “main stream media”… we’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it any more!
What you’re seeing at these McCain rallies are law abiding citizens who are tried of standing by as the socialist agenda gets pushed down our throats… we’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it any more!
What you’re seeing at these McCain rallies are law abiding citizens who are tried of being made to look like the haters and the intolerant, when the reality is it is the liberals who are haters and intolerant… we’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it any more!
What you’re seeing at these McCain rallies are law abiding citizens who are tried of big government trying to run every aspect of our lives… we’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it any more!
What you’re seeing at these McCain rallies are law abiding citizens who are tried of the greed and corruption of our Politician’s who are so high on power they have no limits… we’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it any more!
What you’re seeing at these McCain rallies are law abiding citizens who are tried of the pin head liberals with their holier than thou attitudes… we’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it any more!
We will not allow liberals to try and; shame us into silence, scare us into silence, bully us into silence, or belittle us into silence… we’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it any more!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
The Libs New Low!!
Oh did you hear that Gov. Palin’s daughter is pregnant? You would have to be dead not to have heard. The media is jumping on this like sharks in a blood filled pool. By the way this breaks the forever standing rule that you DON’T drag the candidate’s children into the political process. If that rule is out the door then they need to look very closely at Joe Biden’s adult children. I believe that they will find more than enough dirt on their lobbing activities to fill the front page for the next week. Or they could have reported on John Edwards’s love child in more depth, instead of just sweeping it under the table.
How about Gov. Palin’s husband, 22 years ago he received a DWI!! Drinking and driving is no small issue for sure, but really his error 22 years ago should be relevant to Gov. Palin’s VP? If that is true then the media needs to look at Sen. Obama. It was about that same time period that Obama was into some pretty heavy drugs. If Palin’s husband's DWI would disqualify her then Obama’s drugs would more than wipe him out as a candidate.
The double standard is getting to be more than I can handle. As a conservative I have come to expect that we would not get a fair shake in the media or by those left wing nut jobs, but this is way over the top!!
How about you? Have you reached your limit? Is it sinking in that you can’t just be a sideline spectator? You NEED to get INVOLVED. Support the McCain/Palin ticket; send money, put signs out, talk to your neighbors, do what ever it takes. You might also consider supporting some of the local candidates. In my district Rep. Bill Kramer would love your support. He is running for reelection and is facing the ever growing Democratic machine in Waukesha.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Governor Sarah Palin
Needless to say that I am walking on air today, John McCain hit the ball out of the ball park with this pick!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Baseball Team – Waukesha
The first question on my list is why did they, the city leaders, not put this to a city referendum? There seemed to be very strong opinions on both sides of the issue. I believe that on such an important issue, that impacts a large portion of the city, there should be a through debate where all the issues could be fleshed out and talked about. I know that there were at least three public meetings where the baseball team was the topic. At the first two meetings there was little participation from the public, but in an issue like this is too important to rush it though the city counsel.
My second question has to do with parking. Enough said.
My final question is why is Frame Park the only place that make sense to house this? I would think, granted I have not explored it very seriously, that there would be several other locations that would work just as nicely. I understand that some place close to down town was the optium location so I am not sure what other property would be available.
As I said earlier, the baseball field is a done deal, so what now? We can embrace it and continue to participate in the process or we can keep beating the dead horse getting frustrated that nothing changes. We need to stay involved in the process and hold our leaders accountable to the decisions yet to be made. We need to make sure that the project succeeds, with as little negative impact and as much positive impact on the community as possible.
Stay in touch with your Alder person to keep updated on what the next steps are.
I’ll talk more about what needs to be done on another post.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
How True
A major research institution (MRI) has recently announced the discovery of the heaviest chemical element yet known to science. The new element has been tentatively named Governmentium. Governmentium has 1 neutron, 12 assistant neutrons, 75 deputy neutrons, and 224 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312. These 312 particles are held together by forces called morons, which are surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles called peons. Since Governmentium has no electrons, it is inert. However, it can be detected as it impedes every reaction with which it comes into contact. A minute amount of Governmentium causes one reaction to take over four days to complete when it would normally take less than a second. Governmentium has a normal half-life of three years; it does not decay, but instead undergoes a reorganization in which a portion of the assistant neutrons and deputy neutrons exchange places. In fact, Governmentium’s mass will actually increase over time, since each reorganization will cause some morons to become neutrons, forming isodopes.
This characteristic of moron-promotion leads some scientists to speculate that Governmentium is formed whenever morons reach a certain quantity in concentration. This hypothetical quantity is referred to as Critical Morass.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Lower Gas Prices NOW!!!!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The Courts and Guantanamo Bay
I wanted to share with you a brilliant piece by Newt Gingrich talking about the recent court decision regarding the detainees at
A Decision Which Cannot Be Allowed to Stand
Finally, there has been a lot of commentary about the Supreme Court's narrowly divided decision last Thursday (Boumediene v. Bush) to allow enemy combatants like those terrorists being held at Guantanamo Bay to challenge their detention in U.S. courts.
Let me be clear where I stand: This is among the most arrogantly irresponsible Supreme Court decisions in American history and it cannot go unanswered by the other two branches of government. It is an appalling dereliction of duty if the executive and legislative branches fail to explicitly and swiftly reassert their sole dominion over the national security policy of our country.
Congress and the President Need Not Acquiesce to a Tyrannical Court
There is significant precedent in American history for believing that the legislative and executive branches can act to restrict the reach of judicial decisions as well as force the judicial branch into changing its views when they are out of touch with the constitutional values, practices, and traditions of
President Thomas Jefferson and the Jeffersonians successfully fought back against the Federalists' use of the courts to impose their agenda over the will of the people. After the Federalists lost the election of 1800, but before the new Jeffersonian congressmen took office, the Federalists more than doubled the number of federal circuit judges (from seventeen to thirty-five) and packed them with loyal Federalists. The Jeffersonians reacted by simply eliminating all eighteen new federal circuit court judgeships.
President Abraham Lincoln refused to treat the Dred Scott decision, which both declared unconstitutional a federal law that had limited the extension of slavery and that blacks were not citizens under the Constitution, as legally binding on the executive branch. For example, his administration issued
And in June 1942, when German spies who had landed in the
The executive and legislative branches possess clear constitutional powers to check and balance decisions of the judicial branch. The Boumediene decision requires that the executive and legislative branches act to reestablish a constitutional balance among the three branches. I will be writing more about this subject in weeks to come.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Talk Radio
I am getting to the point that I can not listen to conservative talk radio to much any more! I believe that if Obama wins it is because, unlike the conservative media, the liberal media will get behind their candidate; whether they agree with all he stands for or not. If we lose I lay most of it at the feet of the of the conservative talking heads, the idea that we should just let John McCain take a blood bath in the fall with the hope that in four years we can take it back, or that in two years we can get the house or senate back, is beyond fantasy and is setting us up for damage that we will have to deal with for the next 15 years at least.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Red White and Blue Platform
At American Solutions, we spent six months conducting nationwide workshops, telephone town halls, and six national surveys to understand the key concerns of the American People. From this extensive research, we developed the Platform of the American People – a unique political document that serves as a blueprint for real change the American people are demanding.
The Platform of the American People is a solutions-oriented agenda that has overwhelming support of a majority of Americans, including majorities of Democrats, Republicans, and independents.
The structure is now in place to advance a core set of “tri-partisan” (i.e. majorities of Democrats, Republicans, and independents), principles and solutions that will unite a majority of Americans and effect real change now and beyond the 2008 elections.
That blueprint for real change is codified in the “Platform of the American People” - a solutions-oriented agenda that represents a fundamental break from the red-versus-blue status quo. This unique political document validates our belief that the scale of change required is so large that a new approach (e.g. a Red, White and Blue Platform) to public policy is necessary and should be implemented across all levels of government, in all 513,000 elected offices.
Top 10 Reasons YOU Should Support the Platform
- English should be the official language of government. (87 to 11)
- The option of a single rate system should give taxpayers the convenience of filing their taxes with just a single sheet of paper. (82 to 15)
- Every worker should continue to have the right to a federally supervised secret ballot election when deciding whether to organize a union. (79 to 12)
- Keeping the reference to “One Nation Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance is very important. (88 to 11)
- We favor the option of a single employer tax rate of 17% that would lower taxes for some businesses that pay up to 38%, while also closing loopholes that some corporations use to pay less in taxes. (74 to 22)
- Congress should make it a crime to advocate acts of terrorism, violent conduct, or the killing of innocent people in the United States. (83 to 12)
- We should dramatically increase our investment in math and science education. (91 to 8)
- The United States should only grant citizenship to those who want to embrace American values and culture. (68 to 29)
- Illegal immigrants who commit felonies should be deported. (88 to 10)
- We support giving a large financial prize to the first company or individual who invents a new, safer way to dispose of nuclear waste products. (79 to 16)
If you support these ten ideas then we need your help.
Please visit, and learn how you can join and support the movement!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Differences between Bush and Reagan?
Reagan was truly the great communicator; he conveyed his ideas and beliefs to the American people in a way that was understandable and with such sincerity that you knew he believed in what he was saying. President Bush’s communication with the American people has been at best mediocre.
President Bush has not taken his case directly to the people nearly often enough. Reagan was a master at that, on many occasions he would skip congress and take his case right to the people. There was hardly any thing that he could not get through Congress.
Reagan was a man who stuck to his principles and never wavered. There are many issues that Bush has not wavered on, but on issues of spending and holding congress accountable he has been weak.
Reagan was elected after the Carter-Obama disaster (oops I mean Carter-Mondale); there was double digit inflation, double digit interest rates, double digit unemployment, and the Iranian’s were holding 53 Americans hostage. Reagan believed that in order to turn around the economy there needed to be tax cuts, restraint on government spending, and to abolish many of the government regulations. During his two terms (he could have easily won a third if it would have been allowed), he did all of those things, despite the liberals crying that the sky would fall and that the debt would crush us. Of course none of that happened; as a matter of fact we experienced an economic boom that lasted well over a decade. Bush has cut taxes but has been spending with no sense of control; government has not shrunk but has grown under Bush.
When it came to foreign policy Reagan had a “trust but verify” policy. That was how he dealt with the Russian in dismantling nuclear weapons. He said that we would never negotiate with terrorist, and a short time later the Iranians’ released the hostages. He called the communist “the evil empire” and told them that we would develop a missile defense system that would render nukes ineffective, a short time later the U.S.S.R collapsed. Bushes foreign policy has achieved some good things but aside from Iraq, there are no real history making things that have happened.
I believe that President Bush has been overall a good President and I think that history will show that the Iraq war was the right thing to do and that he showed a keen insight and true leadership. Bush has served with honor and integrity and is a trustworthy person with a high moral character, but comparing President Ronald Reagan to any president of the last 100 years will always leave that person looking inadequate.
I hope this answers your question and I invite any other questions that you or others might have. I won’t have all of the answers but I will give it my best shot.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
“True Conservatives” and John McCain
Ok, I get that McCain does not line up in the “true conservative” template, but honestly at this point in history that is a good thing. The Republican’s have done such a bag up job over the last six years that we have totally destroyed all of the good works that Ronald Reagan and Newt Gingrich did in the 80’s. Now the country, rightfully so, has less confidence in the Republican Party than they have in the Democratic Party. That is truly a sad state of affairs. Senator McCain will be able to rise above the republican label and win over independences and the Reagan Democrats.
So I say to you “true conservatives”, for your own good, GET OVER IT! We need to get behind Senator John McCain, hit the streets, send in our money, and totally defeat Obama and the liberal establishment! We can not fool ourselves and think that we can just ride this out until the next election. Time does not stop; judges will be appointed, laws will be enacted, and Iraq will need to be handled… with or without your support.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
It's A Start
Personal Information
Why Am Writing A Blog?
In 2002 I ran for State Assembly. I did not win but going door to door during the campaign showed me that there are a large number of people out there who believe that it is the person, and their message that matters and not a blind loyalty to a political party. Which if I can digress for a moment to say, our country is losing ground on every front in the world; education, productivity, and technology. This lose is happening because we are a country divided into red states and blue states. We need to come together under the Red, White and Blue states, unified under our common goals. We need to have Real Change, but it needs to be the right change. Raising taxes, growing government, and punishing those who are successful is not the change that Americans should be looking for.
In the future I would like to write about local and national issues. I don't consider myself an "expert" on these issues but I believe that my perspective will be that of the average person in our community. Some of the items coming in the future blog; The city of Waukesha's budget short fall, Mayor Larry Nelson's support of Obama, and did conservative talk radio shoot the republican party in the foot?
Thanks for reading and I look forward to connecting with you in the future.